Multi Strategy Alternatives

Seeking to Build Stable Portfolios for Any Market

Multi Strategy Alternatives seek to provide:

  1. Maximized Diversification: Combining low correlation returns from specialized strategies.

  2. Stable Returns: Seeking consistent performance across diverse markets.​

  3. Downside Risk Management: Potentially reducing risk without sacrificing returns in various market conditions. 

  4. Access to New Opportunities: Exposure to distinctive strategies and sources of return.​

Why Choose Longboard?

​In today’s unpredictable economic environment, traditional investment strategies may fall short. Here’s why we believe a multi strategy approach is essential:​

  • Seeks to Provide Resilience during Market Declines: Our approach targets high single-digit returns with low correlation and offers better downside management during severe or prolonged equity market declines.

  • Preparation for Inflationary Periods: We help investors prepare for potential inflationary periods, drawing on ​historical lessons from the 1910s, 1940s, and 1970s. ​

  • Alternative to Highly Correlated Assets:  Multi strategy sleeves provide a potential solution, complementing or replacing highly correlated assets as a risk reducer in the portfolio. ​

  • Seeks Outperformance: Historically, our approach has offered higher returns and greater diversification ​compared to many alternative strategies, reducing risk without sacrificing returns.